Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ed Hardy Tattoo Style Valentine Cards

The kids are in the process of carving out their block. During this time the classroom is much quieter due to the required focus when using sharp carving tools.

This year 8th grade students will carve images in the style of Ed Hardy onto a block linoleum that will be used as a stamp to make Valentine Cards. Here are some of the examples I made recently.

Block Letter Construction

Our Block letter exhibit will open Wednesday, January 6th in the MPR Room. Here are some pictures of the construction process.

2010 Job Fair

Our 4th annual Job Fair ran extra smooth due to some additional business manager training. Another variable that helped was pushing the date back in December, something we will continue next year.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Linear Perspective

The kids will dive into perspective only wanting more by the time we are done. We will explore 1-2 point with the street perspective being the culminating activity.


Our students have been using a ruler the entire month of October- with out any complaints! It goes to show that kids will engage in math within a creative context.

Carving block lino

Here are some pictures of students carving out their skull image on a block linoleum. They were highly motivated to carve!

Hamlet 2010

Here are pictures of all 3 cast members sitting in front of the Hamlet set. Included are a couple rehearsal pictures. Hamlet "sits his mother down" and Gertrude "begs him not to go to Wittenberg."

More Hamlet

The clip include Polonius directing Ophelia to refuse his affections and "tenders". Claudius is praying g after witnessing the murder of a king performed by the players. The gravedigger digging Ophelia's grave. Hamlet reflecting with Horatio of his years growing up with Yorick (the skull). Hamlet "Oh what a rogue and peasant slave am I..."

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Remembrance Cards

This year we are trying a new lesson during our Dais DE Los Muertos Unit. The kids will work with block linoleum for the first time to carve a skull design to create remembrance cards. This lesson extends upon skills gained on our last unit because it employs positive and negative space applications.

We decided to donate a portion of the cards to our leadership team to sell for boo-grams. This will be our first attempt at authentic community service opportunities on campus for our students.