Monday, December 31, 2012

Chuck Close Portraits

The 7th grade students tackled a scale and proportion unit that included building a scaled model, a scaled Looney Tune project using oil pastel and a self portrait in the style of chuck Close. These pictures show the process by which students are applying line patterns and value to match their original picture to create a portrait.  

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Grease Distraction

Mrs. Novello can get distracted easily when teaching dance in Expressions. Too many good endorphins go to my head and I end up getting really silly. Here is an example of my recent dance distraction during an after school dance workshop.

Dream Weavers



The Collaborative Knitting Unit was a HUGE success and involved not only students, but community members as well to weave each strip together. We contributed 20 stadium sized blankets to Project Linus last week. We are very proud of everyone involved!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Spanglish Art Gallery

 The kids enoyed the charming gallery dedicated to local Latino Artists during our California Museum walking field trip.











Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dias de los Muertos Exhibit

 Our Collaborative Dias exhibit was a success, thankfully, because we lucked out and missed the rain by a day. This year our exhibit took up space outside the k-wing and inside some classrooms. Since the exhibit was only up for one day many people came out and enjoyed music, food and remembering those who have passed on.