Friday, August 31, 2012


 8th grade students study Edvard Munch's The Scream and attempt to interpret what the screamer is screaming about. For extension, students create a parody of the scream depicting a scene of what makes them scream.

Papel Picados

Students used Xacto Knives to cut out positive spaces within intricate patterns to create these colorful banners that will adorn the Dias de los Muertos Exhibit in November.

Optical Illusions

The 8th grade class created many technical optical illusion patterns and created many forms of Op Art. Here are some examples of Op Cubes and Op Cd's.

Block Linoleum Skull Cards

7th grade students carved skull images into block linoleum and layered paper to create Remembrance Cards. This project will be featured in the Dias de los Muertos Exhibit and the cards will also be available to purchase for LEA Boo-Grams.