Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dias de los Muertos Exhibit

 Our Collaborative Dias exhibit was a success, thankfully, because we lucked out and missed the rain by a day. This year our exhibit took up space outside the k-wing and inside some classrooms. Since the exhibit was only up for one day many people came out and enjoyed music, food and remembering those who have passed on.












Monday, October 15, 2012

Knitting for a Cause

 Here are some pictures of some students during our first week of knitting. We flipped the classroom this year by having students watch a couple how-to youtube videos at home the weekend before we began. Students brought their materials to school Wednesday and by Friday most had 9 inches knitted! Students will knit two 50 inch strips that will be woven together to make stadium sized blankets for Project Linus. Way to go 8th Grade!

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