Monday, September 30, 2013

Delta Workshop Presentation

The 7th grade students met local artist, Bridget Lewis  today in Expressions. Bridget Lewis is owner of the Delta Workshop in Sacramento. Bridget shared ways to extend  art techniques for what they are currently learning in Expressions, Block Printing. Not only did she share visual examples, but she had students utilize some of her tools and put them to use! The Delta Workshop is a charming Gallery that also hosts art classes on the weekends.
 Check it out!

Comic Relief

The  7th grade class created comic strips that feature themes that reinforce the NCS Student Handbook, in other words, School Rules. The students got really creative with their characters, conflict resolution techniques and drawing in general. To kick it up a notch they created digital storyboards using the app Sonic Pics. Check it out!

Plaster or Disaster?

We created a new project this year involving plaster gauze. plaster gauze is super fun and tactile for the kids and tends to be very engaging. The kids are creating individual sculptures of their favorite cartoon character. They will design them using symbols, colors and designs that depict the theme of Dias de los Muertos. We shall see.... :-)

The Crocker Art Museum

We took the 8th grade class to the Crocker Art Museum Last week. The featured exhibit was the Kara Walker Narratives and the Origami exhibit, both absolutely stunning! The students were also very engaged with the California exhibits and the Historical Exhibits.