Friday, February 28, 2014

Legacy Mosaic Art

Our 8th grade class is piloting a tile mosaic project that we have been itching to do for some time now. Luckily, a senior wanted to take on the project so we are able to go through the learning/teaching process with an additional instructor. Our 8th grade class will produce 6- 24"x 36" tile mosaic murals for the LEA hallway. Here are some shots of the beginning stages.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Grease Is the Word!

This years Grease Performances were amazing. We have some very talented and motivated kids that we were able to add 2 more songs to the playlist and create an an additional scene to the Musical. Here are some rehearsal highlights. Way to go class of 2014!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Tessellating Luminary

Years ago we received a large donation of pan-sized parchment paper that has been sitting idle ever since. I stumbled across the paper and brainstormed several ideas that all led to some sort of lamp. Since we were in the middle of creating a Geometric Art Unit, using tessellations as the art form for our lanterns made sense. Here is the process and outcome. We will see how the kids respond!

Here are some student examples: