Monday, March 31, 2014

Students Rebuild: Water Challenge for Tanzania

During the Upcycle Unit our students took on a global challenge for the non-profit organization called Students Rebuild. Our students rolled paper beads out of magazine pages for a water challenge effort to provide drinking water to Tanzania. Our students, in the course of 5 days, rolled 13,590 beads which will result in 679 people receiving sustainable, clean water for 20 years. We will definitely stay current with this organization and take the next challenge if we are able. GREAT JOB to all of our students!

Ren Fair Revival!

So it's been a couple of years since LE has collaborated on a Renaissance Fair. This was partly due to changes in curriculum, time lines and adjusting to more emphasis on technology. So now that we have settled into a "new grove" I was excited to be a part of bringing back an event that showcased student work. Our Ren Fair had some old and new elements. The old elements included skits and dance. The new elements included an art and technology exhibit. I think it was a great start for us to build upon next year!

Project Runway!

We kicked off our 7th grade "Upcycle" Unit with a recycled outfit challenge. Students got into groups and chose an era piece to recreate using only newspaper and tape. The students had 25 minutes to  design and assemble the newspaper ensemble onto a designated model before he/she strutted their stuff down the catwalk. The 80's era seemed to be the most popular and I was super impressed with all the pleats and bows!

Paper Lantern Tesselations