Monday, August 31, 2015

Self As Manga- 7th grade

The 7th grade class started off the year with basic drawing skills composing Manga characters step-by-step. Students learned a variety of color pencil techniques proving how powerful the simple medium of a color pencil can be when applying techniques for blending and layering color. After practicing various Manga features within their daily drawing practice students then created a self portrait in the style of Manga. Here is a video of some outcomes. Bravo, 7th grade!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Back to School Night!

Phew! Two weeks of school under the belt and BTS night to boot! I feel very accomished- and a wee bit tired. All the excitement and energy of these past two weeks led to a Mustache Themed Back to School Night! Leave it Pintetest and duck tape to inspire me!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

New Additions to the Artroom!

We LOVE trying out new ideas in the classroom. This year we have several new additions that will be incorporated into the daily routine for both 7th and 8th grade.
Tabletop Cans velcroed to table that are color coded and contain tagged pencils. LOVE Duct Tape!

Chime Time Mona Lisa Quiet poster

Collaborative Sketchbook 

Calm Caddy

Transition Chime. LOVING This!

Collaborative Sketchbooks for every tabletop

Monday, August 3, 2015

How We Do Summer!

Ahhhh... Summertime! We Teachers are no different than our students when it comes to summer vacation. It's when we disconnect from one part of our life and reconnect with another. Summer is a time to regroup and recharge and it looks different for every person.

One of our goals for the 2015-16 school year is to incorporate more digital art into the classroom, particularly using the iPad for art production. Over the summer Mrs. Shane and I got our feet wet with a variety of different app's taking on daily creative challenges on Twitter. The challenges, Create Every Day (#ced) and The Everyday Renaissance Projects (#TERPart) were an awesome way for us to experiment with digital art techniques as a means to express our creative ideas! Here are some examples of our summer artwork. How did you do summer?