Thursday, September 24, 2015

Calavera Van Gogh Mash Up Portraits

This project originated from the National Gallery of Art. It was modified several years ago once a Dias de los Muertos Unit was added to the Expressions curriculum. It was my very first attemp at mashing up art concepts and the resulting student masterpieces continue to be the most stunning portraits and backdrop for our annual Dias de los Muertos exhibit. Since this project I have broadened my scope to seek out or create new projects that mash up ideas. What better way to expose students to artists, cultures, mediums and creative thinking!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Papel Picados

I am SO proud of the 7th grade class and their efforts! The sheer concentration required to cut out the intricate details of the traditional Mexican Paper Cut-outs is intense. The areas of negative space range from small to tiny, the layers of paper are thick and the edge of the Xacto blade is not the easiest to manipulate. This art project is perfect to kick off the Dias de los Muertos Unit for the 7th grade because the skills they build from this project will transfer over to the next- Lino block Carving. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Manga Comic Mastery

The Manga Unit wrapped up with the Comic Mastery Project. Up until this project, assignments and projects within the unit were peer assessed and self assessed as students slowly developed confidence and skill with their drawings. I feel really proud of the progress this group of students made towards developing their characters, utilizing color pncil techniques and applying elements of comic art into their project. Here are some great examples.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Forced Perspective Final Photo Shoot

The 8th grade class demonstrated mastery with Forced Perspective creating these amazing shots and more on a very hot Friday afternoon. I LOVE the creative ideas and dedication in order to obtain the best shot. Great job 8th grade!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Forced Perspective Prop Challenge!

Forced Perspective is the last project of our Op Art Unit. Forced perspective is simply the use of objects or images that are smaller or larger than they should be to suggest they are nearer or farther away.

To provide students practice and allow time for problem solving before their final photo shoot tomorrow, I decided to have each group take on a Forced Perspective Challenge using only props in a surprise prop bag. Props included found objects like toy dinosaurs, utensils, flowers, balls and other odd things in my junk drawer! 

Prior to sending them loose with their props I spent time having students evaluate the key elements of forced perspective images. Together we discussed these elements to gain a better understanding for what works and what does not work with this type of rick photography. Once the students grasped an understanding of these elements it was Challenge Time! The Challenge? 

1.Take one forced perspective photo using each prop. 
2. Each photo must reflect the key elements of forced perspective (angle, alignment, background)
3. Select the best photo from the shoot and upload it into Schoology on the media album created. 
The outcome? I feel that the kids really benefitted from having this challenge experience as they shared many things they learned about camera angles, lighting, object alignment and overall composition of their photo. They realized HOW HARD it is to produce a Forced Perspective image accurately. They really had to dig deep and think creatively to capture their images. As such, we ended the day evaluating each others images and providing feedback supporting what worked and what did not work.

I think the kids will be prepared and ready to take some excellent shots tomorrow!
Experimenting with positioning and motion
Experimenting with camera angles

Working as a team

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Ceiling Tile Murals Installed!

The ceiling tile murals are up and look FABULOUS in the classroom! I cannot wait to do another ceiling tile mural and have already been hit up to make some in the style of book covers for the ELA Classroom. LOVE!!!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Collaborative Sketchbooks!

Ahhhhhhh! SO excited with the potential to build student confidence with drawing. Drawing is the root of art and very personal, like writing. When one does not feel comfortable with their drawing skills they do not feel comfortable sharing their artwork. Provide drawing opportunities in the newly adopted Collaborative Sketchbooks will promote basic drawing and doodling skills allowing student to explore and practice their drawing techniques in a safe way!

Comic Art

I LOVE Comics and the genre of Graphic Novels. It's like the best of both words, engaging literature and awesome graphics! Our last project of the Manga Unit is a Manga Comic Strip. Before letting the kids loose on creating their comic I wanted to dissect some key elements of Comic Art. Here are some lessons we worked on leading into the Manga Comic Strip.

Ceiling Tile Op Art Murals

I LOVE it when vision becomes reality! Mrs. Shane and I brainstormed ways we could extend our Op Art Unit for the 8th grade class to make it a bit more challenging. While looking up in deep thought I noticed the blank, lonely, BORING ceiling tiles, and just like that and idea was formed! Ceiling Tile Op Art Murals! What a great team building experience to welcome back the 8th grade students to Expressive Arts! It's gonna be a GREAT Year!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Expressions August Charter Chat

Expressions Charter Chat: August 2015 from Mrs. Novello and Mrs. Shane