Monday, April 30, 2018

Friday, April 27, 2018

7th Grade Perspective Tape Murals

Oh, how I love this day! To demonstrate mastery of linear perspective concepts, students get 85 minutes, a team of three, a design concept, wall space and tape. The results???

8th Grade Graffiti

The Street Art Unit was kicked off with a graffiti Project using Graffiti Creator as inspiration and acrylic blending as a medium. LOVE, LOVE this project and how it hooks students into forms of urban art!

Friday, April 20, 2018

8th Grade Knits 35 Blankets

The Class of 2022 has broken the knitting record! Each student was assigned to knit one 30-inch strip that would get woven with other strips for form baby blankets. I have 87 students and over 200 knitted strips were turned in! SO AMAZING effort and care went into every stitch resulting in 35 baby blankets that we will donate to Project Linus. I am so heartened by the efforts of this class.

Friday, April 13, 2018

7th Grade 2 Point Perspective

This years 7th grade class developed their entire street perspective by developing the background landscape. I am VERY impressed with the dedication of these kiddos!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

8th Grade Stage Makeup

8th grade students took a trip to the Ashland Shakespeare Festival so I felt it was fitting to teach them how to use stage make up. Wow! These guys watched maybe 2 videos and became pros- pretty amazing outcomes for beginners!

Monday, April 9, 2018

7th Grade Soars to New Heights

The Perspective Unit was kicked off by a project called 1 Point Soaring Perspective. I stumbled across this gem last year and absolutely love how easy students grasp the concepts of perspective through this process. Check Out these examples!