Thursday, December 20, 2018

8th Grade Light Painting

8th grade wrapped up the Trick Photography unit with Light painting- the ULTIMATE team building activity. We use only smart devices for this activity. Two apps that were most successful included PABLO and Slow Shutter Cam. If you haven't tried this yet, wait no longer! Get some glow sticks, a dark space, and download those apps!

7th Grade Homeless Micrography Portraits

 Oh My Goodness. I am really overwhelmed with the level of empathy the 7th grade class has demonstrated through this extensive portrait project based on the Sacramento Homeless.

This project was inspired by Sacramento Loaves and Fishes, Doug Winter, and the words from the stories of these unsheltered people.

Friday, December 14, 2018

8th Grade Words in Nature Photography

Leading into winter break, nothing beats an outdoor photography project. This year the weather was crisp and clear and I thoroughly enjoyed being outdoors! Check out these amazing words the students created from images they took around campus.

Friday, December 7, 2018

8th Grade Forced Perspective

Nothin makes me happier than taking the kids OUTSIDE of the classroom for some teamwork and collaboration. Forced perspective if one of those projects that simply forces students to problem solve together, and it's fun, too!