Thursday, January 31, 2019

8th Grade Cake Sculptures

Some may see these cakes as simply fun and decorative. Really they are a symbolic project and an example of visualization. 8th Grade Students set a goal, either academic, personal or social. Then, they designed a slice a cake to represent the celebration they would have when meeting that goal. It was very interesting to read the artist statements that accompanied their projects. I think the students took this opportunity for goal setting very seriously. So Proud!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

7th Grade Gets Looney!

Looney Tunes are a GREAT way to hook students into scale drawings. Add oil pastels and KABOOM! Check out these awesome characters. :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Big Day of Reading 2019

One Day. 87 8th Grade Students. 33 Ceiling Tiles. 33 Mural concepts based on Social Justice Books. This is the Big Day of Reading and look what my kiddos created in one school day. :)