Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Expressions in April!

The image above is a graffiti wall that was donated to the Art department.- YESSSSS!!!!! This three sided wall is going to provide many opportunities for students to create murals and graffiti art. This wall may even springboard a much anticipated Art Club. The minute the wall arrived I sent students out to test some color samples and font to brainstorm a mural design. We are SO LUCKY and I am thrilled!

This video above captures clips of the 8th grade Claymation project. Students had a ton of fun developing their claymation character. I love it when kids get so connected to their art projects!

In this video, 7th grade illuminated banners shine! Students selected an animal for their symbol and practiced lettering to illustrate their crest using aluminum tooling and color sharpies. Great work 7th grade!