Thursday, January 14, 2010


I genuinely believe that when a person is involved with the process of making something from start to finish there is more value placed on what is made. In all of my years teaching middle school, sewing is one of those processes. Our sewing unit is 3-4 weeks long and if you walk into my classroom during those weeks you will see happy, engaged students.

It's a great unit to cover in the month of January during parent visitation week as potential incoming families walk in to see needles flying, fabric strewn across desks and floors and boy and girls alike caught up in the simple repetition of the running stitch.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Paper crafting

"Why are we scrapbooking and making CARDS?!" is the common whiny question brought up when this project is introduced to both grade levels.

I was turned on to paper crafting when I started working part-time and needed to trim the budget. Making cards, though has a front-loaded cost investing in supplies, turned out to be an enjoyable hobby that paid off throughout the year. I started hosting card-making parties once a season where a few friends swapped materials and shared each others creations bulking up the variety of cards in each of our card boxes. My goal is to never buy a card AGAIN! These community building card parties gave me the idea to add paper crafting to my curriculum.

I think paper crafting is favorite for people who either do not believe they have creative abilities or have little spare time because it allows one to add color and dimension to paper without having to "freehand" a design or pattern.

Unlike other art forms, card making is something practical and useful that can provide the artist with immediate feedback middle school kids thrive on because the product is meant to share. The scrapbook in a box project is perfect to capture memories and makes a wonderful gift or keepsake. Homemade cards with a handmade card box make a thoughtful gift or can stand alone for writing a special note to someone special. 7th grade students make a scrapbook in a box and 8th grade student make a set of 6 cards with handmade card box.

Like all hands-on projects, the kids are always sad to move on to something else once they have mastered the skills of card making and scrap booking. it's turned out to be the perfect transitional lesson coming back from Winter Break!

Card making link:
Scrap book in a box link:

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Late Fall and Early winter lend perfect opportunity to teach knitting. Kids are cold and motivated to knit something warm! 8th graders have been knitting for me for 5 years now. Every year we have 100% success with kids knitting in the hallways, knitting during SSR and knitting after their done with other work. They come in to class, take out their needles and gossip like old ladies.

We Knit 24" in class and the last foot is to be knitted over break. When they return they turn in completed scarves that are 3' long with tassels.

Block Letter Sculpture

Coming Back from winter break is bittersweet. It's not easy getting back into the swing of things so it helps when there is something to look forward to. I was excited to see how the block letters turned out and to hang the exhibit for the school to see and appreciate.

7th grade students took their block letters home over break to complete their theme design due the day we returned to school. They are displayed in the MP Room Art Gallery for the month of January. 3 prizes will be awarded to the most creative, original and craziest theme.

7th grade block letter were constructed in class using poster board, styrofoam cups, masking tape, newspaper and LOTS of glue! We solidified the structure with several coats of gesso. The students developed a theme that went with the initial of their name and designed the letter using mixed media over break.

I modified this lesson using several ideas from these: