Saturday, January 9, 2010

Block Letter Sculpture

Coming Back from winter break is bittersweet. It's not easy getting back into the swing of things so it helps when there is something to look forward to. I was excited to see how the block letters turned out and to hang the exhibit for the school to see and appreciate.

7th grade students took their block letters home over break to complete their theme design due the day we returned to school. They are displayed in the MP Room Art Gallery for the month of January. 3 prizes will be awarded to the most creative, original and craziest theme.

7th grade block letter were constructed in class using poster board, styrofoam cups, masking tape, newspaper and LOTS of glue! We solidified the structure with several coats of gesso. The students developed a theme that went with the initial of their name and designed the letter using mixed media over break.

I modified this lesson using several ideas from these: