Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Pen and Ink Pun Final- 8th Grade

The Pen and Ink Ink pun is such a FUN project let alone final. We kick off this project within overview of basic pen and ink techniques used by Don Stewart. Once kids have demonstrated mastery with these techniques we spend a class period playing pun Pictionary- oh yeah! This game is SO fun and we play it the day before the finals with the goal of students understanding how to draw a visual pun, introduce them to a wide variety of puns, and hook them into finding the most original pun for their project. Mission Accomplished! Check out these funny Puns!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Scratch Art Final- 7th Grade

The 7th Grade Class completed their Posterized Scratch Art Finals and they look amazing! They are now on the front wall of the classroom and will remain there during the 2015-16 school year.  This project is such a great legacy for this group of students that culminates all of the skills they acquired and mastered during the Scratch Art Unit. Great job class of 2020!

Scratch Art Final- 7th Grade

The 7th Grade Class completed their Posterized Scratch Art Finals and they look amazing! They are now on the front wall of the classroom and will remain there during the 2015-16 school year.  This project is such a great legacy for this group of students that culminates all of the skills they acquired and mastered during the Scratch Art Unit. Great job class of 2020!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Subtractive Micrography Portraits- 8th Grade

So this 8th grade Pen and Ink project was total experiment. Originally I had planned for an entire Micrography Portrait, but the time that SBAC Testing (UGH!) took away from curriculum time forced me to problem solve and modify the original lesson. So, the Subtractive Micrography Portrait came about as a means to reduce a couple production days. I actually think that the subtraction portion of this project added a level of complexity that challenged and engaged students more. I LOVE how these turned out. Total Keeper!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Keep Calm Parody on DIY Scratch Paper

So totally craziness but worth it- DIY Scratch Art Paper! This medium is so darn expensive that it seemed fitting to teach the kids how to make it on their own as opposed to buying it. After we made our paper, the kids created their own Keep Calm Parody Poster and used that design to indent and scratch their Poster. So much fun and a GREAT way to connect with students and their interests!