Friday, November 20, 2015

In Love with 2 Point Street Perspective Again!

I LOVE teaching perspective. The moment students learn how to create depth through the use of vanishing points it's like a light switches on in their creative minds. This year we have adopted a few new Perspective Projects that I feel scaffold the 2 Point Street Perspective well. Although, I have to admit that I have had a LOVE-HATE relationship with the 2 Point Street Perspective for years! Knowing how important the skill is for kids to learn, I couldn't just easily ditch the project. Plus, I plan on kids demonstrating mastery of 1-2 pt. perspective through a Making Tape Mural so making sure kids were confident with every element of the street scene was a PRIORITY! 
This year EVERY part of the Street Perspective Scene was guided: measuring buildings, windows, doors, billboards, sign/logo creation, sidewalk, streets, street and sidewalk lines. This heavy guiding lead to more precision with drawing. As a result, students were totally invested in their work! So it made sense to guide the coloring production as well! Value, color gradient and texture were the guided coloring techniques and were required elements in their finished pieces.
I am in LOVE with this project once again!