Friday, February 23, 2018

7th Grade Potions Class!

Surviving the Middle Ages means facing disease with very little science... So, the 7th graders partnered up to create creative potion recipes and bottle to help the medieval survival rate. Check out these awesome projects using dip pens, cellulcay and antiquing methods.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

8th Grade Yarn Coiled Baskets

OK. Vent session...

I have been wanting to teach coil basketry FOR YEARS! Finally, I created a Survival Unit where weaving could be incorporated naturally as a survival skill. The small basket, made up of 4 feet of coil, took me about 3 hours to make. However, my kiddos took FOREVER to complete their basket. What I thought would be a highly focused, engaging activity turned out to be a gab-fest that made productivity SO SLOW! Finally, I had to pull the social rug out from underneath the feet my 8th grade students and call a due date.

I need time to think on this one. I feel like if I teach this skill again next year my expectation need to be revised. I also feel like I need to play an active role in quiet focus. I think reading to the students at the beginning of class for 15-20 minutes could promote the calm, focused environment and also make them more self- aware of their productivity when they are quiet.

Despite the slow productivity and what I interpreted as a lack of interest, all but 10 students completed their baskets on time and they turned out pretty darn cute. I do not need or want a silent classroom. It's just that this project may needs more of of a happy medium.

Things to think about over the summer...

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

7th Grade Needle Felted Owls

I am so glad my friend, B. Creative, introduced me to needle felting. Ever since I handled the wool, I knew that texture and felting process would . be a unique and engaging experience for my students. Check out these adorable little owls!

Friday, February 9, 2018

8th Grade Goole Draw Vector Portraits

Once again, Google Vector Drawings by my 8th grade students AH-MAZE Me! This year students worked extremely hard trying to match their drawing to their image exactly. There was such a quiet focus in the room during drawing days. I am really proud of every ones effort!

7th Grade ROCKS Piskel Animations

So this year I developed a Digital At Unit for the 7th grade. A project I wanted to test out is an animation platform called Piskel App. After some research and resources shared to me by fellow art teachers, I decided to give it a go. Students loved creating their piskel animations and blew my mind with their creations! Total Keeper!

Monday, February 5, 2018

Help Me Fund All the Little Things!

I wrote a grant for the new year in hope to obtain materials to offset the Expressions Budget. Fingers crossed! Click this link to read more.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Epic Spirit Week!

Meme Day, Academy Awards themed Rally, Drama Club Performance and a surprise Wedding Proposal. Yup, That's a LE Spirit Week! Thank Goodness it's Friday!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

8th Grade Digital Art Tattoos

This iPad project is a LOT of fun. It takes about 2-45 minute periods, but I recommend scheduling this project on a block day as opposed on 2 separate days just to keep the momentum going. Check out this years Tattoo Artists!

7th Grade Digital Pop Art Portraits in the Style of Litchenstein

I am kinda freakin' out. The 7th graders piloted a project I created on the iPads and just blew it out of the park. Check out these incredible DIGITAL Pop Art portraits!