Thursday, February 22, 2018

8th Grade Yarn Coiled Baskets

OK. Vent session...

I have been wanting to teach coil basketry FOR YEARS! Finally, I created a Survival Unit where weaving could be incorporated naturally as a survival skill. The small basket, made up of 4 feet of coil, took me about 3 hours to make. However, my kiddos took FOREVER to complete their basket. What I thought would be a highly focused, engaging activity turned out to be a gab-fest that made productivity SO SLOW! Finally, I had to pull the social rug out from underneath the feet my 8th grade students and call a due date.

I need time to think on this one. I feel like if I teach this skill again next year my expectation need to be revised. I also feel like I need to play an active role in quiet focus. I think reading to the students at the beginning of class for 15-20 minutes could promote the calm, focused environment and also make them more self- aware of their productivity when they are quiet.

Despite the slow productivity and what I interpreted as a lack of interest, all but 10 students completed their baskets on time and they turned out pretty darn cute. I do not need or want a silent classroom. It's just that this project may needs more of of a happy medium.

Things to think about over the summer...