Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Word Photography

Just when I thought I had it all figured out, my students prove me wrong! It's a good thing, really, for the circumstances to flip around where the students become the experts. In regards to technology, it happens A LOT and I think it's a good thing!
Our initial plan was to use Adobe Photoshop to create our word photography. I took the time to master this application making sure I practiced on the same version that is loaded on the Mac's in the Media Center. I even created a YouTube tutorial for my students to follow along. What I didn't take into account was the nature of technology and the GLITCHES that can (and did) occur while students were working within Photoshop.
The good thing is that my tech savvy students provided alternate methods for creating their word collage. Some methods I was familiar with, some I was not. Even though my heart was set on them utilizing a particular tool, I feel being flexible and adaptable to the situation provided students with the freedom to choose their creative tool and successfully finish the project.