Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Dragon's Lair: My Vision for the Middle Ages Art Exhibit

The 8th grade class is currently collaborating with the 7th grade class on a Middle Ages Unit. This unit will culminate in an Middle Ages Art Exhibit that will run for a month in the Gallery Space on our campus next month. The Dragon's Lair is going to be a section within the exhibit that showcases both 7th and 8th grade dragons and all of their glory.
My vision to create the Dragon's Lair section in the exhibit includes two projects: Paper Quilled Dragons (in progress) that will be on the walls surrounding String Art Tree Murals adorned with leaves created by aluminum tooled dragon ornaments. I really enjoy planning out art exhibits. It's like a puzzle to me, creating projects that piece together into a visual presentation. I can't wait for this one!

Here are examples of my vision:
Quilled Dragon in Progress

Quilled Dragon in Progress

Quilled Dragon in Progress

Leaf sized green paper with aluminum tooled hanging from string art tree murals

Example of string art tree mural