Saturday, April 30, 2016

April Charter Chat

Expressions Charter Chat: April 2016 from Jenell Novello and Emily Shane

Saturday, April 23, 2016

How Will You End Your School Year?

It's that time of the year that I reflect back on curriculum and I look ahead to the future. Although school will be out in less than 8 weeks before you know it'll be back to school time and honestly, adjusting from summer to school is always rough. That's why NOW is the time to plan for next year- while I still have wind in my sails!
I want to replace the 7th grade Manga Unit which takes place the first month of school. I am still trying to wrap my head around exactly what I want to replace it with but I know I want it to change. There are so many techniques to review and mediums to introduce that I feel the first weeks of school should be committed to doing projects that do just that. The examples below are an example of a projects that reviews mediums and technique through an eye study.
Color pencil blending and shading, surreal collage, color wheel blending, chalk pastel and charcoal.
Once students have completed their eye study they would be challenged to create an armature to create a kinetic sculpture in the style of Yaacov Agam. This process requires measurement, precision, organization and focus. Here is an example of what that would look like.
Another project I am IN LOVE with is the Hidden Hand project. This project focuses on patterns in nature and the nature of camouflage. Students would select a pattern in nature to replicate on 12 X 18 paper. They would apply blending techniques to accurately paint the pattern. THEN, they would paint their non dominate hand the same pattern and camouflage it. Check out this example.
Now that I think about it, I think these two project seem better suited for my 8th grade class. So that may mean that 7th grade adopts the Op Art Unit. This may not be a bad pairing at all. The projects with the Op Art Unit reinforce time management and routine which is VERY necessary for the incoming 7th graders when adjusting to a seven period day. The concepts of Op Art also reinforce the elements of art and with a little more complexity can definitely lay the groundwork for the principles of design... By golly, I think I am getting a bit closer!

The other revision I want to make is turning the Lit and Art Unit into a Pop Art Unit for both 7th and 8th grade. This Unit would take place November-December and would result in an exhibit. I have already started brainstorming projects for this unit and have created samples below. I think this unit will pack a punch and keep kids engaged leading into the winter holiday.
Cerealism Collage
Kinetic "Pop Art" Gears
Onomatopoeia Sculpture

I have the rest of the summer to finalize details but I sure would like to end this school year with a solid framework for the next. How will you end your school year?

Friday, April 15, 2016

Confessions of a Cake Junkie

I LOVE cake. Even more, I LOVE frosting. Give me an end piece or a corner piece of cake any day! What, you don't like frosting? No worries! I'll take it off your cake and add it on to mine- after all, what are friends for? I know, I know... I have a little problem which is why I cut sugar out of my diet. But my obsession for cake and frosting still lingers...
It's no wonder why I am CRAZY about the Piece of Cake project adopted into the Expressions Curriculum last year. After experiencing the cake building and decorating process with last years 8th grade students I was even more prepared this year with frosting tips, decoration ideas and color combinations. The cakes created by this years class look so decadent and REAL! And of course, cake was served to each student before they completed their beautiful cakes.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

New 7th Grade Recycled Projects!

This year I swapped out two recycled projects for a couple of new ones I have had my eye on for a while. There are SO MANY recycled art projects that I feel like this unit could be ever changing which suits me fine since doing the same thing every year just AIN'T my style! I also feel like Recycled Art could be a combined unit between 7th and 8th grade that could culminate into another art exhibit, but that's just a percolating idea- more on that later...

Both of the projects I tried out this year I gleaned from Tracy Hare at Becker Middle. I love her style and what she does with her students! The first project is the Recycled Cubism Portrait and the other project is the Paper Relief Sculpture. Both a fairly quick projects that utilize interesting techniques and have colorful and striking results. Check them out!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Revival of the Middle Ages Exhibit

Let me just start by saying that I LOVE art exhibits, especially when they include work from both 7th and 8th grade. For that reason, I like having a few shared units. The Middle Ages Unit has been a work in progress for a couple year now but after some inspiration that triggered a couple new projects, I feel like the Middle Ages Unit and Art Exhibit has been Revived! Check out some images from the exhibit which combines some old and new projects from the 7th and 8th grade.

Gothic Paper Mache Cathedrals with clay gargoyles standing guard
More Cathedrals- LOVE these!
Geometric String Art Stained Glass Windows
String Art Tree with Aluminum Tooled Dragon Leaves

Aluminum Tooled Illuminate Letters and Woven Heraldic Shields
Quilled Dragons

Friday, April 1, 2016

Donors Choose DREAMY Art Materials

I recently submitted a project to Donors Choose that I REALLY hope gets funded. I am constantly on the lookout for art projects, processes and materials that will spark an interest, challenge and engage my students and the DREAMY art materials requested would be an amazing opportunity for us if it gets funded. Fingers crossed!