Monday, May 23, 2016

Interactive Chalk Murals

Our awesome administrator Ms. Goldman even played with the kids and their artwork!

WOW! The last project of the Street Art Unit ended with a bang! The original plan was for the last project to be a Digital Inkless Tattoos, but about a week before we started I was intrigued, once again, by Ian Sands and the interactive murals he had posted on Twitter. At the time the weather was starting to warm up, portfolios and SBAC testing was over and the kids were startin' to get a little squirrely. Even though digital art tends to keep everyone tamped down and focused, I liked the idea of them getting outside, collaborating, and creating more public art that was PLAYFUL! So, with the approval of my awesome facilities director and a couple tubs of sidewalk chalk I developed the lesson plan is this is what happened!
I had groups plan out their design on large paper using "dolls" as the interactive subject. 
I love using objects that are playful and seeing how middle school kids interact with them. I really feel like this scaffolding activity allowed them to be "kids" in the classroom and that energy definitely translated into their artwork.
On paper the sidewalk chalk worked, but on stucco it is not quite bold enough. I would definitely use the sidewalk chalk as a base because it's cheap in bulk, but next year I am going to invest $ to buy loads of this chalk.
This scaffolding activity took about 40 minutes. I will definitely add a peer assessment and "viewing circle" and discuss how the composition evokes a public response.
For incentive, I offered a bit o' extra credit for those students who dressed up for the part after their mural was completed. See above