Friday, May 6, 2016

Street Fair Success

Full disclosure, I'm a precrastinator. I am one of those people who plans WAY in advance. I am sure this trait can be VERY annoying to some but so far this part of my personality has served me well.

So, now you will better understand why in January I started thinking about Open House- HA! In my defense, I only started thinking about it because it hadn't been scheduled yet! So, I needed to know WHEN it was so that I could, of course, PLAN! However, I couldn't ignore the fact that having it not scheduled was like having a blank canvas needing some paint. Open House has always been a little bittersweet for me because it feels like an end of the year showcase with VERY little turn out, especially from the 8th grade class. So it got me thinking about ways to make Open House appealing to all students and families. That' s when I thought of a Street Fair.

Just the title "Street Fair" sounds exciting and interesting. When I think of a Street Fair I think of food trucks, street performers, vendors, music and art. So with that vision in mind I pitched the idea to my administer and she said YES! LOVE her! With the support of admin, Teachers, Parent group and students we ran with the plan.

Our Street Fair took place on May 4th from 5:30-7:00. Food was sold by Panda Express, Mountain Mike's Pizza and Leatherby's. Students artists and performers were in action along the "Street" in the form of poets, scientists, artists, athletes, technology wizards and mathematicians. Each classroom had interactive booths (like vendors) outside of their classroom along with their doors wide open inviting people in. We had a student DJ perform music and a raffle with some amazing baskets at the end.
The Street Fair was PACKED with families- but most of all, students- especially the 8th grade students which I feel was attributed  in having performing roles. The Open House of old was no longer. There seemed to be a paradigm shift within the energy of the night from Teacher Showcase to Student Showcase. Street Fair was an amazing to watch unfold and I hope to continue to this theme in the future!