Friday, March 31, 2017

Saturday, March 25, 2017

7th Grade: Can You Find the Hidden Hands?

Science in the Artroom? Yup! That's how I like to teach art, by integrating relevant and meaningful content into art lessons to make learning a rich experience for my students. The Hidden Hands Project is a perfect example.

The Hidden Hands project investigates animal adaptations and how camouflage helps the survival of species. Students got to choose their animal and investigate it's patterns to determine the adaptation based on it's habitat. After the investigation, students painted the pattern on paper. Once the pattern on the paper dried, students carefully painted the pattern onto their hand to "hide" it within the paper pattern like camouflage.

When I first told the students at the beginning stage of the project that they would be painting over their hands they were NOT having it. However, that sentiment quickly changed once the hand painting started. Students not only upped their game with their painting craftsmanship but wanted to KEEP THE PAINT ON THEIR HAND ALL DAY! Can you find the hands?

Friday, March 24, 2017

Wildlife Warriors Skype & SPCA Presentation

This week has been full of real-life learning for our 7th grade students. Monday started off with a Skype Session with a representative of Wildlife Warriors all the way from Australia! Jess talked to the kids about wildlife conservation, factors that affect wildlife and ways we can help. The chat was interactive and many students were able to ask some well thought out questions! One way out students can raise money for this organization is to host a camp out in April! Read more about that by clicking this link.

On Wednesday, Susan an Oliver from the Sacramento SPCA gave a presentation to the 7th grade students as well. Students were shocked to hear the statistics about animal overpopulation and the factors that affect domestic animals. They were also very receptive when listening to factors that play into dog stereotypes. Students were engaged and asked a variety of questions. 

These presentations are a key element that bring real-life learning to the Kindness for Paws Unit. In addition to learning about factors that affect wild and domestic animals, students will use art as a form of activism and participate in efforts to raise awareness for others. Look for our Art Show to be displayed at Street Fair on April 27th! 

Friday, March 17, 2017

Ms. Prettol Reads to the 8th Grade Class

Our amazing Librarian is always seeking ways to support student learning. For our Project Linus Unit, Ms. Prettol volunteered to read aloud short stories to help keep the cause in the forefront of students minds while they knit. The students comfortably sat on conches, in circles on the floor busily knitting aways while listening quietly. What a relaxing and meaningful way to end the week!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Harry Potter for Hospitals Event!

What a great event! We had over 100 students come watch Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them in the MPR right after school. Once the movie was over, those students and families because the audience for the Harry Potter Themed Taiko Performance! The Sweets Table got some action during that time selling Chocolate Frogs, Acid Pops, and Beans. Once Taiko was over, families streamed over to the Harry Potter Art Exhibit in the Media Center.

This event raised over $400.00 to buy Harry Potter book sets for children who are suffering from illness in hospitals. We also have a Donors Choose posted in hopes of matching that amount. Please share this post and help us reach our goal!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

8th Grade Patronus/House Ghost Packing Tape Sculptures

Earlier in the year I was awarded a grant from Donors Choose for Packing Tape, $900.00 worth of packing tape. I had originally planned on creating human casts for students to install during our Street Art Unit in April, but then the Harry Potter Unit came along...

Once I decided that the Harry Potter unit needed to be for 7th and 8th grade I immediately thought of things like invisibility cloaks, spirits and ghosts. That's when I got the idea for Patronus Spirit and House Ghost Packing Tape Sculptures! Check these out! Definitely a keeper!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

7th Grade Harry Potter Shop/Cathedral Mash Up

This year the Cathedral Murals were designed to look like a shop from Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade. There was a design contest and 12 designs were selected that became the blueprints. Each tabletop built their cathedral upon a 5' X 6' piece of cardboard and added cardboard  pieces for the facade, towers, turrets, battlements, flying buttresses, windows and doors. Oh! And did I mention? Each Rose Window contain a light circuit that made the window light up when a button was pushed!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017