Friday, March 24, 2017

Wildlife Warriors Skype & SPCA Presentation

This week has been full of real-life learning for our 7th grade students. Monday started off with a Skype Session with a representative of Wildlife Warriors all the way from Australia! Jess talked to the kids about wildlife conservation, factors that affect wildlife and ways we can help. The chat was interactive and many students were able to ask some well thought out questions! One way out students can raise money for this organization is to host a camp out in April! Read more about that by clicking this link.

On Wednesday, Susan an Oliver from the Sacramento SPCA gave a presentation to the 7th grade students as well. Students were shocked to hear the statistics about animal overpopulation and the factors that affect domestic animals. They were also very receptive when listening to factors that play into dog stereotypes. Students were engaged and asked a variety of questions. 

These presentations are a key element that bring real-life learning to the Kindness for Paws Unit. In addition to learning about factors that affect wild and domestic animals, students will use art as a form of activism and participate in efforts to raise awareness for others. Look for our Art Show to be displayed at Street Fair on April 27th!