Saturday, March 25, 2017

7th Grade: Can You Find the Hidden Hands?

Science in the Artroom? Yup! That's how I like to teach art, by integrating relevant and meaningful content into art lessons to make learning a rich experience for my students. The Hidden Hands Project is a perfect example.

The Hidden Hands project investigates animal adaptations and how camouflage helps the survival of species. Students got to choose their animal and investigate it's patterns to determine the adaptation based on it's habitat. After the investigation, students painted the pattern on paper. Once the pattern on the paper dried, students carefully painted the pattern onto their hand to "hide" it within the paper pattern like camouflage.

When I first told the students at the beginning stage of the project that they would be painting over their hands they were NOT having it. However, that sentiment quickly changed once the hand painting started. Students not only upped their game with their painting craftsmanship but wanted to KEEP THE PAINT ON THEIR HAND ALL DAY! Can you find the hands?