Friday, March 18, 2016

Reading Student Reflections Be Like 'WUT?"

So all this school year I've been feeling pretty smug about having my students reflect. I created a reflection assignment that students complete digitally in class at the end of each unit. The first thing students complete is a digital survey (google form) about the projects completed within the unit and the artistic process. The feedback I look for ranges, but in general I want to get a sense for how students feel about the unit theme, projects, and artistic process.

The next thing I have the students do is identify the School Pillars (Shared Leadership, Tech Savvy, Critical Thinking, Global Thinking, Cultural Awareness) they met throughout the artistic process of the unit. Once students identify the pillars, they are to reflect and articulate exactly how they met the pillar through the artistic process. This is when Reading Student Reflections Be Like
My once smug face is now full of shame. I am ashamed that I just ASSUMED students would take the time to reflect and write thoughtful responses. After reading some student reflections (if I can really call them that) it is clear to me that I need to take time to walk students through the reflection process just like I would the artistic process! DUH!

Maybe another approach I can take to make reflection more intrinsically motivating is having students blog...