Sunday, September 18, 2016

7th Grade Animoji Success!

Over the summer I reflected upon previous 7th grade student feedback of the Manga Unit. I decided to revise the unit to include a new drawing fovus and incorporate more relevant content. Thus, the Animoji was born! The Animoji mashes up Anime details with Emoji elements. Each student chose an emotion for their design focus and developed an Animoji based on that emotion.
We didn't stop there...
I decided that the finished product, which was very cool- was not quite good enough on it's own because the words in the Emo Swirl end up getting blocked by the placement of the Animoji. That's when I put on my "Big Girl Pants" and experimented with the iPad app Animation to create a way students could Animate their artwork in a way to show off their artistic skills and tech savviness.
Here is an example of the digital project. A link to view the ALL is here.
I am SO PROUD of every one of my students and how engaged, enthusiastic and creative they were with their projects.
Check some examples of the Paper Project below: