Thursday, December 1, 2016

8th Grade Digital Tattoos

WOW! This is THE BEST 1-Block Day Lesson Everrr! Thanks to Schoo Middle School for the inspo- I pinned this about 2 years ago and finally got around to adapting it to be able to use with iPads!
So just for some background, I created Trick photography Unit this year that included 3 projects: forced Perspective, Light Painting and Digital Tattoos. This Unit lasted out 10 days so it was SUPER Fast. The kids were totally wanting more, so I will probably revise it to make the lessons more thorough and add another project or so. FUN!
You can essentially teach this lesson using two video tutorials that I made. SketchbookX is a free app- get it! Fused is another free app- but has had several updates since I made the tutorial. Follow these directions to fuse the pictures:

  • open the Fused app
  • upload the background (body part)
  • upload the foreground (tattoo)
  • select the overlay MULTIPLY
  • toggle for the desired opacity
  • select arrangement
  • size and place
  • save
Voila! No erasing! #easypeasy!