Monday, April 3, 2017

8th Grade Knits 19 Blankets for Project Linus

Knitting Season is one I look forward to every year. This year the season was moved from the fall to the spring and boy it was worth the wait! We kicked off the season with a guest speaker named Susan Berbec. Susan has been a speaker for Project Linus for years and the kids really respond well to her presentation style. Then we made knitting needles out of wooden dowels. Once the needles were made students learned how to knit with the help of video tutorials and community members. It took  about 3 days for students to get over their learning curve and once they go knitting they were knitting EVERYWHERE!

Our goal was to knit 12 baby blankets which would require each student to knit a 30 " strip. In 3 weeks the 8th grade class knitted over 160 strips, forming 19 blankets! i can wait to invite Susan back after spring break to see all of the effort of the 8th grade class. SO PROUD!!!