Monday, April 17, 2017

Donors Choose Grand Slam!!!

In just ONE week TWO of my Donors Choose Projects were funded and I couldn't be happier! The first project, We Got The moves Like Warhol, was funded by our very own Parent Organization, LEAP. I have been wanting to learn and teach screen printing for several years and now it has become a reality! I have done some research at home and feel confident that my students will LOVE this art form as a way to communicate their ideas!

The second project, Harry Potter for Hospitals, was funded during the Ashland Field trip! I had to control myself not to wake up Sierra while she was sleeping in her dorm to tell her the news. Soon, she and I will plan the delivery of the book sets to children staying in the pediatric ward.

I feel so very fortunate to work with such a supportive parent group and to teach such inspiring students. It was been an amazing year with so much more o look forward to!