Friday, April 17, 2015

Graffiti Art a Huge Hit

I am amazed and inspired by the level of engagement this Graffiti Art project is bringing.  Students are applying learned paint techniques from previous project and are throwing around words such as "monochromatic color scheme" and "paint gradient" on their own with reference to their projects.  This is music to an Art teacher's ears.  They are putting so much effort and detail into the paint application that for the past two days, I've had 20 kids come in during their lunch break, kids ask to come to Expressions when they are done with work in other classes, and beg for an additional day for this project. 

Seeing the response over this project is inspiring as a teacher to strive to have EVERY project have that magical element that drives kids to crave more.  Naturally, some students will love components of one project more than another, but when you achieve 100% engagement combined with quality work being produced, it is truly a moment to celebrate!  Can't think of a better way to end the week.