Tuesday, December 20, 2016

8th Grade Post-it Note Challenge

Let's face it. Keeping students engaged on the last 2 days before break can be tricky. I did not want to start a new project that would need to be carried over after break. I also didn't want to add busy work to simply "Fill in" the days. I wanted to use that short window of time to inspire and engage students with something worthwhile and meaningful. I also wanted whatever we created to be a part of the Pop Art Exhibit. Sooo, I took a chance and went for a project that I had been eyeing ever since I saw the Middle School move: Post-It Note murals.

This project took 2 45 minute periods. The result yielded in 16- 3' X 3' murals that will hang in the exhibit. The Post-it notes were the expense- but one extension the students can take on is how we can repurpose them once the exhibit comes down- I have ideas on that, too. 2 4-packs of each color was all we needed. Yellow was the most popular color with red coming in second. If you are going to try this invest in the super sticky kind as they will have longevity in their "stick".

This project was just what we needed- and I don;t think I would add any more time to it. However, I there are ways to make the most out of the time now that I have been through the process and have seen the progression of the designs. I encourage you to try this project! So much problem solving an collaboration went into each design. Check them out!

Friday, December 16, 2016

8th Grade CAKE!

Note to Self: Back Away From The Frosting!

This year I came up with a SUPER SIMPLE frosting plan that made frosting prep a breeze. And if you are anything like me- you'd agree that frosting is THE BEST thing about Cake! However, this year I could have spent more time into developing a greater understanding for overall cake presentation once the cakes were frosted.

As a result, I think the cakes look like a Frosting Fiesta- which is fine. The kids had fun and really love their cakes. Next year I will spend another day refining their collaged layers, constructing their cake toppings and going into more depth of cake presentation rather than obsessing over how awesome my new frosting prep is. :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

7th Grade 2 pt. Street Perspective-Interrupted

The 7th grade Perspective Unit was planned and arranged in this order specifically for students to acquire and master skills:

  • Soaring 1 pt. Perspective
  • 2 pt. Street Perspective
  • Perspective Tape Murals Mastery Project
However, sometimes order is overrated! Apparently, not only do art teachers not only have to assess skill acquisition and level of engagement- but the WEATHER forecast, too! HA!

The rainy November dictated that we interrupt the 2 pt. Street Perspective so that we could install the Tape Murals during a short- and I mean short, clearing of the weather. So, I present to you now...

2 Point Street Perspective Projects- BTW, they are amazing!


Thursday, December 8, 2016

7th Grade Perspective Tape Murals are Installed!

This is the second year that Tape Murals have been a part of the 7th grade curriculum and man they are SO here to stay. I love how the hallways are totally transformed into aesthetically pleasing mathematical displays of lines and angles. The blue tape makes everything "Pop"!

I am so proud of the 7th Grade Class. These kiddos really pushed themselves. Not only did they work through near freezing temperature, but their designs are very detailed- making them work right up until the 85 minute mark! The murals will remain on the walls until we return from winter break. Come by and check them out!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

8th Grade Digital Tattoos

WOW! This is THE BEST 1-Block Day Lesson Everrr! Thanks to Schoo Middle School for the inspo- I pinned this about 2 years ago and finally got around to adapting it to be able to use with iPads!
So just for some background, I created Trick photography Unit this year that included 3 projects: forced Perspective, Light Painting and Digital Tattoos. This Unit lasted out 10 days so it was SUPER Fast. The kids were totally wanting more, so I will probably revise it to make the lessons more thorough and add another project or so. FUN!
You can essentially teach this lesson using two video tutorials that I made. SketchbookX is a free app- get it! Fused is another free app- but has had several updates since I made the tutorial. Follow these directions to fuse the pictures:

  • open the Fused app
  • upload the background (body part)
  • upload the foreground (tattoo)
  • select the overlay MULTIPLY
  • toggle for the desired opacity
  • select arrangement
  • size and place
  • save
Voila! No erasing! #easypeasy!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

How Disneyland Inspired 8th Grade Light Painting

In the summer of 2015 I camped out in my garage with my then 10 and 7 year old, an iPad and flashlights trying to figure out how we I could create a light painting design. I was just coming off of a Disneyland Vacation so I was totally inspired by the lights of the parades and totally determined to make my own magic! There were TONS of tutorials using a DSLR camera, but nothing on using personal devices. After a lot of research I discovered slow shutter cam app, which allows for long exposure photography on the iPad. Here are my practice shots from the garage using the app, flashlight and lightbomber- another light painting app. 2015.
This year my classroom was fortified with 12 iPad mini's- YAY! So, I had the slow shutter cam loaded and put light painting on the books! This year was my test year, and I learned SO much from this go around. I also surveyed the kids for their feedback. Overwhelmingly the kids wanted more time- which I totally agree with. We really only had about 1 hour of light painting when it was all said and done. From my perspective the camera on the iPads was tricky for some. I think what makes the difference is a stable tripod, proper app settings and a completely blacked out background in a addition to lots of practice and playtime. Despite all this, the kids created amazing designs!

The kids LOVED Light Painting and I can wait to revise this lesson and reteach it in the future! If Disneyland inspired this, What If Teacher Vacations were considered Professional Development?

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Friday, November 18, 2016

8th Grade Forced Perspective

This year I shifted Forced Perspective into a new unit called Trick Photography. This fast and furious unit is perfect for the fall leading into the holiday months helping restless students stay engaged. Plus, the milder temperatures are perfect for outdoor photography!
This year I had the students focus on the elements that make forced perspective work. We did a LOT of evaluating pictures from the past years. Students did a GREAT job identifying flaws and applying concepts that make forced perspective work into their photos. I am super proud of these student and their original, creative ideas!

Monday, November 14, 2016

7th Grade Soaring Perspective Success!

Right when I think I have it all figured out for the 7th grade Perspective Unit- a post on Twitter changes everything. Miriam Paternoster teacher middle school art in Italy and I follow her avidly. She posted a link from her website onto Twitter about Buildings in One Point Perspective that I instantly became obsessed with. One her post was a video tutorial for how to create the project, and I tried watching and applying the method repeatedly- posting my attempts and failures. Something just wasn't clicking for me! Then, I found a post by Alba Cordoza on Deviant Art that made everything clear to me. Her method was linear and mathematical making the process very easy and logical. I just had to share this process for others to use! Once I practiced her method I created several YouTube tutorials that I felt anyone could learn from and apply to their teaching. Anyway, long story short- my kids LOVED this project and were uber successful. I even created a digital extension for my early finishers. Next year I will refine this project by taking a day to practice watercolor techniques. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

2016 Dia de los Muertos Exhibit

This is what the exhibit opened up with. Just amazing!

Then there were the Poets... Somebody, get me some Kleenex!

And of course, the student artwork. Such a great night!